
Ok just a quick teaser and some final pics before the big day. Car is supposed to arrive tomorrow Sunday the 7th. Spoke with the driver yesterday and he had completed his last delivery in Montana and was headed my way. He had 900 miles to go and said he would be here on Sunday.

In the meantime here is another pic of the garage, setup and ready to get busy. I’ve got it pretty much decked out with the stereo, artwork, Hackintosh and all the tools.

GarageReady 1

And here is a pic of the body buck. For those that don’t know this will hold the body while I’m building the car. It helps properly support it and keeps the fiberglass body from sagging. I’ve modified it a bit with the extended legs, so that it can roll over the frame and be stored there when I’m not working on the car. I’ve also added two side shelves to provide some extra storage space. And I used the casters from the toolboxes that I built in. These worked our real nice since they are 4 inch casters and make rolling this beast around real easy. I also didn’t glue certain pieces. That way I can still adjust the final height once I have the body on it to make sure it clears the garage door. The plan is that most of the time it will reside in the single car garage, but once we get back to winter I’ll probably move it into the big garage and store it over the frame. That way I can get the Land Rover into a garage so I don’t have to clear snow in the mornings.

BodyBuck 1Ok so stay tuned for the update tomorrow. There will be lots of pics.


  1. Richard
    Jul 7, 2013

    Looking forward to seeing the kit!!! Great job on the garage!

  2. corey
    Jul 7, 2013

    Nice looking garage setup. Keep the updates coming.

  3. Mike Kelly
    Jul 8, 2013

    Your are quite the carpenter! The body Buck looks great and the final touches on the garage are awesome!

    Keep it coming.

  4. Terry
    Jul 9, 2013

    Good idea making the body buck taller to fit over the chassis…***finding a pencil to write this down***

    • admin
      Jul 10, 2013

      Terry, I’ll jot down the dimensions etc and send you and email with the info. Give me a day or two and I’ll get it to you.

      • Terry
        Jul 10, 2013

        Thanks. I appreciate it.

  5. Kevin
    Mar 9, 2015


    I am building a cobra as well. I have been having a hard time finding dimensions for a body buck. I found your site by searching for body buck images. Can you give me the dimensions you used for your build? The nearest I can figure is about 66 W X34 H for each end piece of OSB and 96 long? Any advice you can give would be appreciated.

    Kevin Tressel

    • admin
      Mar 15, 2015

      Sorry for the delayed response. I just sent you a copy of the email I sent to Terry.


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