More Miscellaneous and DOH!
The last couple of weekends have been about wrapping up a lot of little items with the goal being to get the engine bay panels out to the powder coater. Well I think I’ve got everything done that I need to. First on the list was to finish off the access panel on top of the driver side footbox. This panel is removable from the engine bay and provides access to the brake master cylinders. The normal way or the way the kit provides to attach it is self tapping sheet metal screws. Problem is I just don’t like the look of them. I’ve sorta had this theme going with everything that I’ve been mounting using Stainless Steel cap head screws. I like the look of them and it’s bringing a bit of consistency to the look of everything that’s...
Lots of Fabrication and Miscellaneous
I was out on vacation this week so I got a lot of time to spend on the car, not as much as I would have liked but still good progress. In addition to working on the car I also took care of some of our Christmas decorations. I’ll get to that a little bit later. After getting the engine set in place the first thing I took care of was creating some extra room on the drivers footbox where the head of the engine was hitting it. I cut a hole in the panel and the created a little pocket that I will rivet back in place creating the extra 1/2 inch I need to clear the head. Here’s the pocket I created to fill the hole. Here’s how it will mount in the hole. And here is the space it makes for the head clearance. It’s still tight but now the engine...
Christmas Lights
Ok one of my other side projects, hobbies, obsessions is Christmas Lights. Always was fascinated by them as a little kid and always loved decorating the house with lights for Christmas. In Georgia they used to refer to our house as candy cane lane. Anyway’s 2 years ago I came across some lights from GE called Color Effects lights. The are basically tri-color LED lights with covers on them that make them look like the original large C9 type Christmas lights. The lights come 50 on a string and a little controller that allows them to cycle through 12 different settings. That’s ok, but I also came across a hack that removes the original controller and connects them to an Arduino microcontroller and gives you total control over them. The geek in me just...
Hand me the shoehorn please…
Well the weekend finally arrived and as planned we got the engine installed. Destinée was off today so she was around to help me. Add in the great weather today and it was a perfect day to take this next major step. Our first step was to prep the engine bay by masking off all the areas where we might ding the powder coat. Destinée got to work on that part while I prepped the hoist for the engine. Here is the result. We are using a combination of regular blue painters tape and then we put another layer of exterior blue tape on it. The exterior tape is a plastic and it’s really tough. I found out when I installed the differential how tough it was. I banged the frame pretty good getting the diff in and expected to have some chips in the powder coat but the...
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